Nominations open for DUFF race

Nominations are now open for a Down Under Fan Fund delegate from Australia or New Zealand to travel to Kansas City, Missouri, USA for the 74th World Science Fiction Convention – MidAmericon II – August 17-21, 2016.
The nominee may also undertake to attend other conventions and associated fannish travel in North America. This is not essential but will enhance the overall experience.
DUFF, founded in 1972 and supported by donations from SF fans all over the world, sends a delegate from Australia – New Zealand to North America, or the other way, in alternating years.
The successful nominee, after voting has taken place will then become the DUFF delegate.
Delegates are chosen as active members of the SF community whom fans on the visited side would like to meet. The delegate travels as much as possible, makes friends, radiates goodwill, and becomes the Adminstrator in turn until the next cycle. There is an expectation (not always fulfilled!) that delegates will write a trip report during or after their trip. Delegates’ trip reports are sold to support the Fund.
The current administrators of the fund are Lucy Huntzinger in North America and Julian Warner and Justin Ackroyd in Australia. All the current administrators are past fan fund winners who were asked to step in and assist when the former administrator suffered some illness.
Three Australian/New Zealand nominators and two North American nominators are required for each nominee. A written platform of about 100 words should be submitted by the nominee providing some information about themselves in a fannish context. Nominees are also asked to make a small donation to the fund as a bond of 25 Australian or New Zealand dollars.
DUFF voting occurs via a secret ballot and is determined using the instant runoff method.
The period for nominations will close on 1 March 2016 at midnight, Western Australian time (UTC +8.00).
Further details about DUFF can be found at:
Any enquiries about nomination or other DUFF matters can be addressed to:
For Australia/New Zealand:
For North America: